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Preparing for device loss

Published on 25 Feb 2023 by Mithun Shanbhag

device on fire

Do y’all have a disaster recovery drill if your devices get lost, stolen, or damaged?

How to prevent misuse if stolen?

Any checklists, best practices for these kinds of scenarios?

Here are some precautions I take:

  1. Enable android’s find-my-device for all devices (enables remote wipe).

  2. Enable android’s google-drive-backup (enables restoration to another device).

  3. Enable whatsapp’s google-drive-backup.

  4. Explicit screen lock for Whatsapp, payment/finance apps.

  5. Note down serial#, IMEI# etc (helps block device if stolen).

  6. 2FA/MFA on all apps (tokens stored with a password manager).

  7. Switch from physical SIMs to eSIMs.

  8. Devices can only be unlocked with strong passwords or biometrics. No patterns. No numeric PINS.

Comments? thoughts? suggestions?